Moil Ltd, a miniratna PSU, has increased prices of its manganese ore for the quarter January-March 2014. Moil, formerly Maganese Ore India Ltd, informed BSE that in line with company’s business practice of quarterly revising the prices of manganese ore, it has fixed price of various grades of manganese ore for the quarter January-March 2014.
The price of the Ferro grade manganese ore has been increased by 3% and price of SMAGR & Fines have been increased by 7.5% over the prices for October-December 2013. The prices of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD) have been increased by 5% over the prices for October- December 2013.
The price of the Ferro grade manganese ore has been increased by 3% and price of SMAGR & Fines have been increased by 7.5% over the prices for October-December 2013. The prices of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD) have been increased by 5% over the prices for October- December 2013.