In line with the ‘Make in India’ initiative launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Intertek, a quality solutions provider to industries worldwide, on June 18, 2015 launched its first Electrical Centre of Excellence laboratory in Delhi for testing LED and batteries in the country.
The new laboratory was inaugurated by Andre Lacroix, CEO, Intertek Group Plc along with senior officials from Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and important stakeholders from regulatory bodies and industry.
Andre Lacroix said, “Intertek’s commitment to the electrical sector has a very strong legacy associated with Thomas Alva Edison, the father of the electric bulb. Considering the growth of the lighting industry backed by the Government’s focus, with the launch of the advanced laboratory Intertek will play a vital role in verifying the products being used.”
Rajesh Saigal, regional managing director, South Asia, Intertek, added, “Intertek has always been a partner to the Indian government; ten years ago we have fast tracked the country’s standards and labelling program by putting up the first laboratory for HVAC. In a similar manner we are glad to support the government’s regulations that are coming up in LED and battery with the necessary capacity and capability for testing these products.”
As per the ‘Compulsory Registration Order’, an initiative of BIS and DeitY, 30 categories of electronics items need to be tested on Indian soil for compliance to Indian safety standards.
This initiative, according to Intertek, will provide huge growth potential for the company in terms of adding value and strengthening the Government’s plans of ‘Make in India’.
The new laboratory was inaugurated by Andre Lacroix, CEO, Intertek Group Plc along with senior officials from Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and important stakeholders from regulatory bodies and industry.
Andre Lacroix said, “Intertek’s commitment to the electrical sector has a very strong legacy associated with Thomas Alva Edison, the father of the electric bulb. Considering the growth of the lighting industry backed by the Government’s focus, with the launch of the advanced laboratory Intertek will play a vital role in verifying the products being used.”
Rajesh Saigal, regional managing director, South Asia, Intertek, added, “Intertek has always been a partner to the Indian government; ten years ago we have fast tracked the country’s standards and labelling program by putting up the first laboratory for HVAC. In a similar manner we are glad to support the government’s regulations that are coming up in LED and battery with the necessary capacity and capability for testing these products.”
As per the ‘Compulsory Registration Order’, an initiative of BIS and DeitY, 30 categories of electronics items need to be tested on Indian soil for compliance to Indian safety standards.
This initiative, according to Intertek, will provide huge growth potential for the company in terms of adding value and strengthening the Government’s plans of ‘Make in India’.