Inspite of having no dearth of qualified teachers and brilliant students, Indian educational institutions are not among the front ranking institutions in the world. Raising this concern, President Pranab Mukharjee said that there is a need for serious introspection to find the reasons for this. Addressing the students of the Krishnath College at Baharampur, Murshidabad, West Bengal, on August 23, 2014, he called for restoring the atmosphere conducive for research and perfect teacher-student relation in educational institutions of the country.
The President said mere expansion of physical infrastructure in educational sector alone cannot bring about proper improvement or lead to comprehensive development. The concept of a knowledge society means only by acquiring superior technology can a country become a super power.
Highlighting the importance of innovation, Mukharjee said no country can progress without innovation. Higher educational institutions can take a leading role in encouraging innovative activities. Central universities have been asked to create innovative hubs for search of local innovators, identification of their products and marketing of the same. He said research should aim at solving the problems of poor people.
According to International Patent Agency (IPA) in 2013, India’s share is only 0.7 percent for new patents while that of China is 8.6 percent, Japan 26 percent, USA 36 percent and Germany 38 percent. This also points to the need for attaching more importance to research and innovation, Mukharjee observed.
The President said mere expansion of physical infrastructure in educational sector alone cannot bring about proper improvement or lead to comprehensive development. The concept of a knowledge society means only by acquiring superior technology can a country become a super power.
Highlighting the importance of innovation, Mukharjee said no country can progress without innovation. Higher educational institutions can take a leading role in encouraging innovative activities. Central universities have been asked to create innovative hubs for search of local innovators, identification of their products and marketing of the same. He said research should aim at solving the problems of poor people.
According to International Patent Agency (IPA) in 2013, India’s share is only 0.7 percent for new patents while that of China is 8.6 percent, Japan 26 percent, USA 36 percent and Germany 38 percent. This also points to the need for attaching more importance to research and innovation, Mukharjee observed.