Amid misinformation and fake news circulating online, Meta is equipping its social messaging app, WhatsApp, with a cool new feature that will help mitigate this problem. Available through the Google Play Beta Program , the users will be able to spot misinformation or fake news with just an image search.
Meta has been innovating how users operate WhatsApp by offering some spectacular changes and updates. Previously, it began working on refining ‘Nearby Share’ that would allow WhatsApp users to share content using the ‘Airdrop’ technology similar to Apple.
However, Meta is still working on that, refining permissions and privacy measures. But with the image search update, which is now rolled out on Android update, users will be able to integrate their individual accounts with Google image search within the app.
Reverse Google Image Search
The feature, known as Reverse Google Image Search, will allow users to search for any images received on WhatsApp for its authentication. It can be done by simply downloading the image, clicking on the menu or 3 vertical dots, and selecting ‘search on the web.’
Once done, WhatsApp will automatically search for the image on Google. Finding the image’s source, WhatsApp will reveal whether the image is generated by an authentic source or is just misinformation and fake spreading through social messaging apps.
This feature will be on your WhatsApp connected to your cellular network, home Wi-Fi, or any kind of internet near you, making it easier to verify any news right away.
One thing noted in the development is that the feature is hidden in the options menu. This only means that it will not be available right away and will probably be rolled out for beta users.
Another thing to notice is that like Google Lens, this reverse image search will also be presenting with similar images when the users look up for one.
According to ‘Wabetainfo,’ the feature will definitely show similar images to what’s been searched for, and it cannot be considered as a definite parameter for fact-checking. However, the results would surely allow the users to reach conclusions on whether or not it’s fake based on the source of the images derived.
Privacy Ensured Image Search
Since WhatsApp is all about privacy and end-to-end encryption, the images searched on Google through the reverse image search will only be visible to Google and not to WhatsApp. That means any data (images) revealed at the end of the search will be stored in Google’s database, not shared or processed by WhatsApp.
Furthermore, the users can also maintain control over sharing the image with Google for further insights. The goal of this feature is to equip users against misinformation and to ensure transparency in the flow of information over WhatsApp. This also mitigates the need to upload or download images to perform an image search on any search engine.
Also, the feature will first be introduced on Android versions of WhatsApp and there’s no news regarding when will it be released on iOS.
Disclaimer: No Business Standard Journalist was involved in creation of this content