The Hindu Times is a Hindi digital news platform. It was started in the year 2018 by Prince Goyal. His sole purpose of starting this platform is to make people aware, connect them with inspirational thinking and spread awareness about society in their thinking.
Prince Goyal made the first flight of his digital media platform through Facebook. His journey started alone and has now been joined by millions of people. Today, Prince has reached great heights in the digital marketing industry with his creative techniques and online marketing skills.
THT Digital Pvt Ltd. after the successful registration has employed more than 25 people and has separate departments for creative content writing by experienced journalists, Video creators, most important research team to increase the efficiency of their business.
In today's digital era, people are taking help from digital marketers to promote their businesses on the Internet. Prince Goyal flew into the world of digital marketing and wrote his name on his heights and today he is writing his success story with the same.
The Hindu Times is a digital media platform aimed at making people aware of everyday happenings as well as inspiring thinking and the growing scope of women. More than the news on this media platform, people are connected with some heart touching stories that can not only change the world but also give the flight of height to the thinking of people who have the passion to do something in their life.
On this platform, you will also find many such touching stories that will make you think that if you have the desire to work hard and passion, every step can be achieved. Along with this, you will also find many new interesting ways of business from the farmer world to this platform. Many such stories will also be found here which will tell stories ranging from the floor to the habitation of people who have earned their name as businessmen all over the world with the changing times.
Prince Goyal is the real source of inspiration for many youngsters who want to pursue their dreams. He is building his future with somebody whom he doesn't know personally which is really amazing.
Prince Goyal is a self-taught man, who has mastered the skills required to excel in the industry on their own without the support of digital experts.