India skipper Rohit Sharma took over social media after his Instagram post on Sunday, March 10, 2024. In the post, Rohit was seen with his fellow Indian cricket team players in a garden near Dharamsala, the venue of the 5th Test against England.
The Indian skipper who shepherded a young Indian team to a 4-1 series victory after coming from behind, having lost the first Test in Hyderabad, is known for his hilarious sense of humour and it was on full display in his Instagram post.
Rohit captioned the post as, “ Garden me ghoomne wale ladke” which without the connotation of his comments made during the Vizag Test might be a harmless, simple comment which when translated to English becomes Boys spending time in the Garden. But there is a pun intended in it.
What did Rohit’s Garden comment during the Viazg Test
The pun comes from a recording of Rohit’s directions to his fielders during the second Test against England in Vizag. India was 0-1 down in the series and on the third day, Rohit shouted to his fielders in chaste Hindi,” Koi bhi garden ghoomta nhi dikhna chahiye, nhi to mai…”.
The Indian skipper is a hard taskmaster and he used certain cuss words to make sure that there were no misfields during the match.
What does Garden me Ghoomna means?
‘Garden me ghoomna’ in Maidan cricket teems means being lazy on the field. Rohit wanted his fielders to be sharp and that’s why warned them of severe consequences if he spotted them being unattentive on the field.
What does Garden me Ghoomna means?
‘Garden me ghoomna’ in Maidan cricket teems means being lazy on the field. Rohit wanted his fielders to be sharp and that’s why warned them of severe consequences if he spotted them being unattentive on the field.
The video clip of that incident went viral on the internet. Referring to that clip, Rohit used the term ‘Garden me Ghoomne wale ladke’ while captioning his latest photo on Instagram. In the photo, Shubman Gill, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Sarfaraz Khan and Dhruv Jurel are seen posing with the Indian skipper.