Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu on Wednesday presented the TN Appropriation Bill in the Assembly seeking withdrawal of Rs 30,355 crore from the State Consolidated Fund to meet the supplementary grants and expenditure for the financial year 23-24.
Of the total Rs 30,355.32 crore, Rs 26,590.09 crore was under the revenue account, Rs 3,499.98 crore in the capital account, and Rs 265.25 crore in the loan account. This appropriation out of the Consolidated Fund of the state was for services and purposes of the financial year 23-24, he said while moving the bill, which was later approved by voice vote.
A Bill to replace the Tamil Nadu Medical Registration Act, 1914 and to constitute the Tamil Nadu State Medical Council was among the 12 bills introduced in the Assembly House today.
The TN State Medical Council Act, 2024, seeks to repeal the TN Act IV of 1914 and re-enact a new one in its place.