The White Paper tabled in the Lok Sabha on Thursday by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman reaffirms the Indian economy's robust growth momentum, industry body CII said, expressing confidence that the country's GDP will touch the USD 7 trillion mark before 2030.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled a 'White Paper on the Indian Economy' in the Lok Sabha.
Sitharaman in her Interim Budget speech had announced that the government will come out with a white paper on the economy outlining the economic mismanagement in the 10 years of UPA rule till 2014.
The NDA government has overcome the crisis of those years, and the economy has been put firmly on a high sustainable growth path with all-round development, Sitharaman said.
R Dinesh, President CII, said the finding of the white paper tabled in Parliament reaffirms the Indian economy's robust growth momentum.
"CII's in-house surveys capturing the pulse of the industry members have mirrored the optimism of the white paper on the economic growth prospects.
With its inherent resilience and the enabling structural reform measures announced in the last decade, we are confident that the Indian economy will be able to reach the USD 7 trillion GDP mark before 2030, the official timeline indicated by the government," he added.