RNC GNM result 2023 released: Check how to download results at rncexam.in
The Rajasthan Nursing Council released the RNC GNM result 2023. Candidates can check the exam result on its official website i.e., rncexam.in
Sudeep Singh Rawat New Delhi The Rajasthan Nursing Council (RNC) has released the
Rajasthan GNM result 2023. Candidates can check the RNC GNM result 2023 on the official website of Rajasthan Nursing Council, at rncexam.in.
Candidates need to enter their login credentials, such as roll number and date of birth and the GNM 1st year Nursing result will display on your screen. Students can check and download their RNC GNM result for further reference.
Students who passed the exam can also download the provisional mark sheet.
RNC GNM Cut-Off Marks 2023
The passing students are eligible to apply for the various nursing colleges in Rajasthan. As soon as students get the colleges based on the cut-offs, all the further admission processes will be completed by the respective nursing college.
What is the role of the Rajasthan Nursing Council?
How to check and download RNC GNM result 2023?
Here are the simple steps to check and download the RNC GNM result:
Step 1: Visit the official website, i.e., rncexam.in
Step 2: Check for the RNC GNM 1st year result link and click on it.
Step 3: Enter your login credentials like roll number or date of birth.
Step 4: After you successfully enter your details, your result will appear on your screen
Step 5: You can download the result and take a printout of the result for future reference.