The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) will today (April 25) announce the UP Board exam result 2023 for Class 10th and Class 12th. In a UPMSP board official’s social media post, they have also declared the timings for the results revealed i.e. today at 1:30 p.m. The official websites for the UP board's 10th and 12th grades in 2023 are and, respectively.
To get to the Class 10, 12 Uttar Pradesh result 2023, students need to use credentials including roll numbers and dates of birth. Class 10th UP board exams were held from February 16 to March 3, and the UP Board Class 12th exams were held between February 16 and March 4. 58.8 million students signed up for the UP Board exams for Class 10th and Class 12th this year.
UP Board Results 2023: How to check results?
Step 1: Visit the official websites at and
Step 2: Go to the link for the Class 10 and Class 12 exam results for 2023.
Step 3: Enter the necessary credentials, such as roll numbers and birth dates.
This year, 58,85,745 students registered for the exams, including 31,16,487 students in class 10th and 27,69,258 students in class 12th.
An overall total of 4,31,571 candidates including 2,08,953 class 10th candidates and 2,22,618 class 12th candidates, didn't appear for the test. This year, the UP Board exams started on February 16 and finished on March 4.
At 258 evaluation centres located throughout the state, the answer sheet evaluation process began on March 18 and ended on April 1, 2023.