Union Minister Anurag Thakur on Friday said that the citizens of Chhattisgarh are fed up with the scams of the Bhupesh Baghel government and they will not tolerate the state becoming the "ATM" of the Congress.
Thakur said, "The Congress is looting the resources of Chhattisgarh and pushing the state backwards. The Congress will be defeated in the upcoming elections. The public is ready for it as they are not going to tolerate the state becoming the ATM of the Congress party."
He said that the "wind of the Assembly elections has been in favour of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)".
He added, "PM Modi has ensured several schemes for the state. Many projects are being completed and many more were inaugurated under his visionary leadership. The wind is going in favour of Prime Minister Modi and the BJP."
Following the Congress' promise of conducting a caste census in the state if it returns to power, Thakur said, "We have provided toilets to the people. People have been getting subsidised grains for the past 30 months. All this was given to those in need. This was never given on the basis of religion and caste."
The BJP on October 10 announced 85 candidates for the 90-seat Assembly, fielding former chief minister Raman Singh from Rajnandgaon constituency. The Congress has so far released a list of 83 candidates.
The polling for 20 seats in the 90-member Chhattisgarh Assembly will be held on November 7, and votes for the remaining 70 seats will be cast in the second phase on November 17.
The counting of votes in Chhattisgarh has been scheduled for December 3. The Model Code of Conduct has already come into effect in Chhattisgarh.