The outgoing Haryana Assembly met for 72 sitting days over five years, or 14.4 days a year on average, against the national average of 23 days for state assemblies in the 2017 to 2023 period, according to an analysis by PRS Legislative Research.
Elections to the 15th Haryana Assembly will be held on October 5. The 17th Lok Sabha (2019-2024) sat for 274 days, or 54.5
days a year on average, which was the worst among all the Lok Sabhas that lasted their full terms. The Lok Sabha sessions were curtailed because of Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.
The 14th Kerala Assembly, one of the best performing in the country, sat for 232 days, or 46.4 days a year on average between May 2016 to May 2021.
But for the Haryana Assembly, the 12th and 13th Assemblies sat for even fewer days than its 14th Assembly. The 13th Haryana
Assembly (November 2014-February 2019) met for 69 days, or 14 days a year, and its 12th Assembly (2009-14) had met for a total of 54 days, or 11 days a year. According to Haryana Assembly’s Rules of Procedure, the House is scheduled to meet for six
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hours a day. However, during the 14th term, it functioned only for an average 4.8 hours on the days it met.