In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi emerged victorious from two Lok Sabha constituencies: Wayanad in Kerala and Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh. However, according to electoral regulations, he can only retain one seat. In a recent development, Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) chief K Sudhakaran hinted that Gandhi might relinquish the Wayanad seat.
During a public meeting on Wednesday, Sudhakaran addressed the potential decision, urging the people of Kerala not to be disheartened. "We should not be saddened as Rahul Gandhi, who is supposed to lead the nation, cannot be expected to remain in Wayanad. Therefore, we should not be sad. Everyone should understand that and give all their wishes and support to him," he stated.
Gandhi himself expressed his dilemma over the choice during a public gathering in Edavanna, Malappuram. He reassured his supporters that both constituencies would be content with his final decision. "I have a dilemma before me, whether I should be the MP of Wayanad or Rae Bareli. What I will commit to you is that both Wayanad and Rae Bareli will be happy with my decision," he said.
According to the Representation of People Act, a candidate can contest from two Lok Sabha constituencies but can hold only one seat. The candidate must decide which seat to retain within two weeks of the election results being declared. With the results declared on June 4, Gandhi had until June 18 to decide.
In the 2019 general elections, Gandhi contested from Amethi and Wayanad but lost in Amethi. In the 2024 elections, he secured victories in both Wayanad and Rae Bareli, albeit with a narrower margin in Wayanad compared to 2019. As the deadline approaches, all eyes are on Rahul Gandhi as he prepares to make his choice, which will have significant political implications for both constituencies.