Telangana's Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, has received a summons from the Delhi Police on Wednesday regarding a doctored video involving Home Minister Amit Shah's stance on reservation. Additionally, four other individuals, all from Telangana, have been issued notices to join the investigation into the matter.
The video in question was purportedly shared by the official Telangana Congress X (formerly Twitter) account, subsequently shared by numerous party figures.
Following complaints lodged by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Home Ministry concerning the widespread circulation of the edited footage on social media platforms, the Delhi Police registered a case.
The altered video showed the Home Minister advocating for the abolition of reservation quotas for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and Other Backward Classes (OBCs).
After the complaints, the police filed a case under Sections 153, 153A, 465, 469, 171G of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and section 66C of the Information Technology (IT) Act, prompting an investigation.
Furthermore, notices were sent to X and Facebook, seeking information regarding the accounts responsible for uploading and sharing the video.
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The BJP claimed that the video was altered to misrepresent Shah's original statements made during a political rally.
"The Congress is spreading an edited video which is completely fake and has the potential to cause large-scale violence. Home Minister Amit Shah spoke about removing the unconstitutional reservation given to Muslims, on the basis of religion, after reducing the share of SCs/STs and OBCs," said BJP spokesperson Amit Malviya.
Malviya further highlighted that the "fake video" was posted by several Congress spokespersons. "They must be prepared for legal consequences," he added.