A day after Karnataka BJP leader Devaraje Gowda claimed that the purported sex videos involving Janata Dal (Secular) MP Prajwal Revanna were leaked first to Congress leaders, Karthik, Revanna’s former driver, claimed that he had only shared the videos with Gowda, who had promised to get him justice.
In a video released on Tuesday, Karthik stated that he had approached Gowda after the Revanna family harassed him and forcefully transferred a parcel of land he owned to their name.
"I do not know whether he [Gowda] distributed the pen drive or gave it to someone else for the purpose or whether the BJP people did it. But I did not give the pen drive to anyone else except him. Now, he is blaming me for giving it to Congress leaders. If I were to give it to Congress leaders, why would I approach him for justice?” Karthik said.
He further stated that he would submit all case-related documents to the Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed by the Karnataka government over the issue.
On Monday, Gowda said that Karthik had informed him of having handed over the pen drive containing the videos to Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) president DK Shivakumar and other Congress leaders.
“Yesterday and the day before, he held a press conference again after the controversy broke out. I tried to get in touch with him, but in vain. He is making false allegations that I gave the pen drive to Congress leaders. But I gave the pen drive only to Devaraje Gowda, who lost elections at Holenarasipur on a BJP ticket, and not to anyone else. Why will I give it to Congress leaders? Congress leaders are close to them [the Revanna family] and have ensured that a ‘B’ report [closure report] is filed on my complaint, despite providing evidence,” he said.
Revanna, the grandson of former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda and the son of Holenarasipur MLA and former minister HD Revanna, became embroiled in controversy after sex video clips purportedly involving him emerged on social media, three days before the Lok Sabha elections were held in Hassan on April 26.