Amid buzz that the Telugu Desam Party may join the NDA, its supremo N Chandrababu Naidu on Thursday left for New Delhi from Hyderabad, and is expected to meet the senior BJP leadership to finalise an alliance and seat-sharing formula in Andhra Pradesh.
This is Naidu's second visit to Delhi to meet the BJP leadership in the run-up to the Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha elections.
AP BJP chief D Purnadeswari is already camping in the national capital.
"This visit will be to finalise the alliance with the BJP, if possible. As there is not much time left for election notification, we want to get a clarity on the alliance," TDP sources told PTI.
Naidu is expected to meet Amit Shah later Thursday, the TDP sources said.
Further, the source noted that Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan is also expected to leave for New Delhi tonight to team up with Naidu to finalise the alliance and the seat-sharing formula.
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Recently, the TDP and Janasena combine partially announced a list of 119 seats and names of 99 candidates.
Andhra Pradesh has 175 Assembly and 25 Lok Sabha seats.
Naidu will be contesting from Kuppam while there is still no clarity as to where Kalyan would contest from.
As per the TDP-Janasena alliance, the actor-politician-led party will contest 24 Assembly seats and three Lok Sabha constituencies.