Police on Tuesday registered two FIRs against BJP general secretary Vinod Tawde, party candidate Rajan Naik and others in connection with the alleged distribution of cash to voters at a hotel in Palghar a day before the Maharashtra polls, an official said. The cases were registered at the Tulinj police station in the district for alleged violation of the election code of conduct in place for the November 20 assembly elections, he said. The first FIR named Tawde and others for assembling at a hotel in violation of the poll code, while the second one accuses them of luring voters by offering cash and alcohol to them, the police said.
Hours before the assembly polls, Bahujan Vikas Aghadi (BVA) leader Hitendra Thakur accused Tawde of distributing Rs 5 crore at a hotel in Virar, 60 km from Mumbai, to woo voters, a claim the BJP leader denied, saying he was only providing guidance to party workers on poll procedures. A Tulinj police station official said, "In the first FIR, 22 people, including BJP leader Vinod Tawde, BJP candidate from Nalasopara Rajan Naik and party office-bearer Manoj Barot have been named, while 200 to 250 unidentified party workers shown as accused for illegally assembling on the fifth floor of the hotel and holding a meeting, thereby violating the election code of conduct." In another FIR, 34 others, including Tawde, Naik and Barot, were named as accused along with 200 to 250 unidentified party workers. They were accused of violating the poll code for allegedly luring people by offering cash and alcohol to them, he said.
Both the cases were registered under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), the official said, adding that investigation was underway.
A viral video showed BVA party supporters barging into the Virar hotel room and flinging bundles of cash at Tawde's face before police escorted him out. A deputy commissioner of police of the Mira Bhayanda-Vasai Virar police said, 'We are taking action against whatever happened in the hotel. The press conference held on the premises was also illegal. We will take action as per law.' After a ruckus of over three hours at the hotel, Hitendra Thakur, his son Kshitij, Tawde, and BJP candidate Naik decided to hold a press conference at the hotel. However, as the press conference started, it was stopped by poll officials stating it was illegal.