Around 88 per cent, or 176, BJP candidates contesting the Rajasthan Assembly elections are crorepatis, according to an analysis of the self-sworn affidavits of all 1,875 candidates by Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR). Congress had 84 per cent, or 167, crorepati candidates, while AAP’s count stood at 34 per cent, or 29. Meanwhile, 31 per cent of BJP’s candidates had a criminal case against them. It was followed by Congress with 24 per cent and AAP with 21 per cent.
On the other hand, around 17 per cent or 326 candidates of all 1,875 candidates have declared criminal cases.
In 2018, around 15 per cent or 320 candidates had criminal cases against them.
On the other hand, the average assets per candidate stood at Rs 3.12 crore (for 1,875 candidates) compared to Rs 2.12 crore (for 2,188) in 2018, according to ADR calculations.