The popular reality show, Bigg Boss, is all set to return with season 18. The makers of the show confirmed that Salman Khan will continue to host the popular show with a special promo. This is Bollywood star's 15th consecutive season as a host of the show, having first helmed it alongside Sanjay Dutt in 2011.
The latest promo hints at the theme of the upcoming season with the voiceover of Salman Khan. The promo begins with Salman Khan announcing, ''Bigg Boss dekhenge gharwalon ka future. Ab hoga time ka taandav.''
The caption of the post reads, ''Hogi entertainment ki poori wish jab Time Ka Taandav lekar aayega Bigg Boss mein ek naya twist. Are you ready for Season 18? Dekhiye Bigg Boss 18, jald hi, Colors aur @officialjiocinema par.''
Bigg Boss 18: Who are the possible contestants?
The promo didn't reveal much about the upcoming Bigg Boss season 18. There are many reports shared with potential contestants. According to India Today, actress Nia Sharma has been approached for the reality show and she confirmed the participation. The report quotes, “'Nia was finally ready to get herself locked inside the house and signed the dotted lines a couple of days ago. Along with her, the team is also quite excited about having her on board."
There are many reports claiming that Bigg Boss season 18 is based on the "Time Travel" theme and there are many old contestants who are expected to participate in the upcoming season.
According to NDTV reports, popular actors including Isha Kopikar, Shiney Ahuja, Gurucharan Singh, Arjun Bijlani, Karan Patel, Sameera Reddy, Surbhi Jyoti, Pooja Sharma Shoaib Ibrahim and Dalljiet Kaur are rumoured to join the upcoming season.
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Bigg Boss Season 17
The last season of Bigg Boss premiered on Colors TV and Jio Cinema, and was hosted by Salman Khan. The grand finale aired on January 28, 2024, where Munawar Faruqui emerged as the winner and Abhishek Kumar was the runner-up.