Mukesh Ambani reportedly paid a visit to the hospital where Deepika Padukone gave birth to a baby girl a few days ago. The Bollywood couple recently welcomed their first child, a daughter, into the world. Mukesh Ambani's car was seen arriving at the HN Reliance Hospital in Mumbai, where Deepika is currently admitted, with Ranveer Singh in presence, in a social media video.
According to reports, the business tycoon congratulated the couple and blessed the newborn. Ranveer Singh's sister Ritika Bhavnani was also reportedly seen approaching the hospital earlier in the day. When she went to meet the baby girl, the new bua decided to avoid the media.
Ranveer-Deepika in relation with the Ambani family
Mukesh Ambani can be seen in the video entering the hospital with his convoy while sitting in the car. The actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are said to be very close to the Ambani family. The two of them can often be seen with the Ambani family.
Not just this, the profound friendship between Ranveer Singh and Anant Ambani was conspicuous at the latter’s wedding ceremony. The actor was seen dancing at Anant's wedding. He had set the stage ablaze with his enthusiastic moves.
Deepika likewise went to the wedding with her huge baby bump. Deepika and Ranveer Singh had also attended the pre-wedding ceremony of the billionaire groom. Deepika declared her pregnancy during the first pre-wedding ceremony in Jamnagar and that was Deepika's first public appearance after pregnancy. After this, she was unable to go to the second pre-wedding function conducted in France, Ranveer went to that function alone.
Actors reacting on Deepika-Ranveer's baby girl
On September 8, the star couple were blessed with a baby girl. They shared a post on Instagram saying, “Welcome baby girl.” Many Bollywood celebrities showered love on the couple and their baby girl. Actor Alia Bhatt took to the comments segment and dropped a series of heart emojis. Priyanka Chopra also sent her love and blessings alongside Nick Jonas congratulating the couple.
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Katrina Kaif also sent her love to the couple meanwhile Sara Ali Khan said, “Ranveer and DeePee congratulations on your baby girl!!! Only joy and bliss to both of you .” Kareena Kapoor said, “Congratulations mommy and daddy from saifu and Beboo…God bless the little angel”.