Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya will soon tie the knot. The actress shared some stunning pictures from the pre-wedding ceremony held in Visakhapatnam on her Instagram profile with the caption, “Godhuma Raayi Pasupu danchatam And so it begins!”
Godhuma means wheat. Raayi means stone. Pasupu means turmeric. Danchatam means crushing or grinding. The rough translation of the sentence is "crushing wheat, stone, and turmeric together". The sentence holds special significance in the context of Telugu weddings.
According to traditional rituals, the bride and groom jointly grind wheat, turmeric and sometimes other ingredients on a grinding stone (raayi) which symbolises the beginning of life together sharing responsibilities, working together and preparing for another phase of her life.
The act symbolises unity, cooperation and the idea of marriage that involves both partners working together in harmony. This is one of the many rituals performed by the bride and groom in a Telugu wedding.
Sobhita looked stunning in a silk saree in peach gold and green colours. She touches the feet of elders to get their blessings. She also grinded turmeric which is a part of their customs.
Chaitanya and Sobhita's happy beginnings
Sobhita and Chaitanya have been dating each other since 2022. The rumours about Naga and Chaitanya's love story erupted when they both were seen together for the first time in Hyderabad. Since then, their bond has only become stronger and stronger. The couple got engaged in August in the presence of their immediate families.
Chaitanya's father and Telugu star Nagarjuna shared a post on social media sharing his joy to welcome Sobhita to the family. He shared a couple of pictures with a caption that reads, "We are delighted to announce the engagement of our son, Naga Chaitanya, to Sobhita Dhulipala, which took place this morning at 9:42 a.m.!! We are overjoyed to welcome her into our family. Congratulations to the happy couple! Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. God bless!"
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This is Chaitanya's second wedding, previously he married Samantha Ruth Prabhu in 2017, but the wedding didn't last longer and the couple separated after four years in 2021.