A scam involving fake messages about Aavantika Gas connections being disconnected has affected multiple victims in Indore, said Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Rajesh Dandotia. Around 46 people were duped of Rs 26 lakh by conmen on the pretext of updating their Piped Natural Gas connections in the record of the company.
What is this scam about?
Scammers send messages claiming that the gas connection will be cut off unless immediate payment is made, followed by instructions to download a specific APK file. Once installed, the file gives the scammers access to the victim’s phone, enabling them to steal personal and financial details. After the victims noticed unauthorized deductions, the scammers assured refunds but switched off their phones.
The ongoing scam targets registered Aavantika Gas customers with fake messages.
The fraudsters send a link to download an APK file, which is actually a screen-sharing app. When downloaded, it allows the scammers to remotely access the victim's phone, viewing personal data such as galleries and contacts.
What happened here?
Additional DCP (crime) Rajesh Dandotiya said that many people, who are customers of Aavantika Gas Limited, had received the messages about their PNG connection stating that the bills were not updated in the records and the connections would be disconnected by 9 pm if the bills were not updated. They had also sent a mobile number with the SMS and informed the victims to talk to the manager of the company regarding their pending bills.