From demat nomination to depositing of Rs 2000 notes, several money-related deadlines have been extended. Here is the entire list:
1. Rs 2000 exchange deadline
The Reserve Bank of India has extended the deadline to exchange, and deposit Rs 2000 notes to October 7, 2023 from September 30, 2023. "As the period specified for the withdrawal process has come to an end, and based on a review, it has been decided to extend the current arrangement for deposit/exchange of Rs2000 banknotes until October 07, 2023," the RBI said in a release.
2. Mutual Fund nomination deadline
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has extended the deadline for mutual fund account holders. They now have time until January 1, 2024 to nominate a beneficiary or opt out by submitting a declaration form. Previously, the deadline for existing mutual fund holders to make their nomination choice was set for September 30. Nomination allows a mutual fund investor to select a person who will inherit their mutual fund units if they die, with the flexibility to choose a family member or close one.
3. Demat nomination extension
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Sebi has extended the deadline for nomination in demat accounts and submission of investor proof for physical security holdings to the end of this year, from October. Earlier, SEBI mandated that trading and demat accounts that do not have ‘choice of nomination’ by September 30 shall be frozen.
With respect to demat accounts, it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of ‘choice of nomination’ to December 31.
4. IDBI Amrit Mahotsav FD
Under the Amrit Mahotsav FD scheme of 375 Days, the bank offers interest rate of 7.10% to general, NRE and NRO. The scheme is now extended to October 31, 2023. For senior citizens, the bank offers 7.60%. The bank offers an interest rate of 7.15% to general citizens and 7.65% to senior citizens under 444 days under the scheme.
5. EPFO extends deadline to upload details by employers for higher pension amount
Retirement fund body Employees' Provident Fund Organisation has given three more months until December 31, 2023, to employers for uploading wage details regarding pension on higher wages. The deadline for uploading wage details, which was ending on September 30 has been extended following representations from Employers & Employers’ Associations, according to a labour ministry's release.