Ride-hailing service Uber has said that some drivers presented passengers with fake images of fares to allegedly extract excess payment. The fake images resemble the actual Uber app interface and are meant to mislead passengers.
Uber has recommended that passengers follow these steps during trips:
Match driver and vehicle details at the start of a trip: Check the driver and vehicle information displayed in your Uber app with the actual driver and car you are getting into. Ensure the licence plate, make, model, and driver photo all match what is shown in the app.
Verify the trip after sharing your PIN with the driver: Make sure the "Trip Verified" message appears on your app screen. This confirms the driver has properly initiated the trip through the Uber system.
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End the trip properly: When you reach your destination, drivers must end the trip on their apps. Check the ‘amount to pay’ pop-up notification in your own Uber app and not what is displayed on the driver’s phone.
Pay the correct fare: Pay the driver only the amount displayed in your Uber app's "amount to pay" notification, not any higher amount the driver may claim is owed. If the driver insists on a different fare, do not pay and report the issue immediately.
What to do if you ever suspect you are being shown a fake fare image?
Request the driver to refresh their app, then refresh your own app to verify the correct upfront fare.
If the driver continues to demand a higher payment, do not pay. Instead, take screenshots of the driver's fare screen and any payment receipts.
Report the incident to Uber through the app's Help section. Provide all relevant details and documentation to aid Uber's investigation.
If the situation escalates, contact Uber support for further assistance.