On Tuesday, Sebi took action against YouTuber Ravindra Balu Bharti and his company, Ravindra Bharti Education Institute. The regulatory body has barred them from participating in the securities market until April 4, 2025, for allegedly running an unregistered investment advisory business that tricked many inexperienced investors. Sebi also ordered them to give back the Rs 9.5 crore they made from illegal activities, as it was earned in violation of the law.
In its final order, Sebi noted that Ravindra Bharti Education Institute used unregistered investment advice, trade recommendations, and execution to lure inexperienced investors into the securities market through its premises and employees.
So, what exactly happened? Let’s break it down.
The Scam:
Ravindra Bharti, who has two popular YouTube channels with a combined 19 lakh subscribers, used his online influence to lure followers into risky investments. His company, Ravindra Bharti Education Institute, marketed “high returns” to investors, claiming they would make big profits from the stock market. But here’s the catch: the company wasn’t even registered with Sebi, which is required to legally provide investment advice or trade recommendations.
Bharti and his team didn’t just give random advice; they sold multiple investment plans to the same person, limiting their ability to make decisions on their own. They didn’t properly inform clients about the risks involved in these investments or provide full financial disclosures. This left many new investors vulnerable to heavy losses without fully understanding the risks.
What Sebi found
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Sebi’s investigation revealed that Bharti’s company used misleading tactics, selling fake “expert advice” to many young, inexperienced investors looking to make quick money. The company not only violated securities laws but also failed to meet fiduciary duties, which are essentially the legal responsibilities a financial advisor has to put their clients' best interests first.
Sebi has ordered Bharti and his company to return Rs 9.5 crore, which was the amount they made unlawfully from their scam, along with a penalty and interest charges.
Penalties and Restrictions
On top of the financial penalties, Sebi has also imposed a ban on Ravindra Bharti, his company, and several of his associates, preventing them from engaging in any activity related to the stock market until April 2025. They’re also prohibited from offering any investment advisory services unless they are properly registered with Sebi.
Sebi has levied additional penalties of Rs 10 lakh on Bharti and his associates, further highlighting the seriousness of the violations.
Why this matters to you
As a young investor, this situation is a wake-up call. It’s a reminder to be cautious when seeking financial advice online, especially from influencers who promise quick and easy returns.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re investing:
Check the Credentials: Always verify if someone offering investment advice is registered with Sebi as an advisor. If they’re not, it’s a major red flag.
Understand the Risks: Investments, especially in the stock market, come with risks. Never invest in something just because it promises huge returns without a proper explanation of the risks involved.
Don’t Follow the Crowd: Just because a YouTuber or influencer has a massive following doesn’t mean their advice is trustworthy. Look for guidance from qualified professionals who have a proven track record.
Stay Informed: Keep learning about personal finance and investments so you don’t fall victim to scams. There are plenty of resources out there that can help you make smart, informed decisions.