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SSC MTS Result 2023 soon at official website; all you need to know
SSC MTS result 2023 to be announced for Tier 1 at official website on ssc.nic.in. However, there is no official affirmation with respect to result date or time yet
The SSC MTS Result 2023 is expected soon on the official site. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is expected to publish the MTS Tier 1 results this week. Applicants who pass the Tier 1 test will be shortlisted for the Tier 2 test and the further selection process. SSC will declare the cut-off marks alongside MTS results. The SSC MTS cut-off for 2023 has been uncovered by category.
The SSC MTS results are planned to be delivered by this week. The SSC MTS and Havaldar recruitment test was held in two phases. The primary phase was held from May 2 to May 19 and the other phase was from June 13 to June 20, 2023. Issues with the provisional answer key were welcomed between June 28 and July 4.
The Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Examination (Tier 1) 2023 was conducted to fill different Group C positions. Following the declaration of the outcomes, the SSC MTS marks of qualified and unqualified students will be there on the official site.
SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Exam 2023 is being held to fill a sum of 12,523 opportunities. Students who qualify in this test will be eligible to show up in the Tier 2 exam.