The Allahabad High Court has directed Prayagraj Police Commissioner Tarun Gauba and other police officers to appear before it on December 10 on a contempt petition and apprise the court as to what action has been taken against the policemen who delayed in lodging of FIR despite a complaint moved by the applicant.
Hearing a contempt petition filed by one Balram Yadav, Justice Salil Kumar Rai directed to list this case for the next hearing on December 10.
The applicant had moved a complaint before Ghurpur Police Station, Prayagraj, alleging that one Arpit, who is representative of an MLA, had attacked his father earlier on September 25 in which he died.
The applicant, however, alleged that the FIR was not registered due to political pressure which is violation of the court's guidelines.
As per previous direction of the high court, the Commissioner of Police, Prayagraj, DCP, Yamuna Nagar, Prayagraj, and other police officials appeared before the court on November 28.
They filed an affidavit in which they stated that an FIR has already been registered at the concerned police station at the instance of the applicant Balram Yadav and preliminary inquiry regarding conduct of the concerned police officer for his failure to register FIR has also been instituted.
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However, the court noticed that the affidavit did not disclose as to whether any action is proposed to be taken against the concerned police officer or not.
On this, the additional advocate general, representing the state government, requested the court to grant a week's further time for the detailed affidavit.