Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Monday reallocated the portfolios of two ministers and took over the department of indigenous and tribal faith and culture, except the directorates of library and museum and archaeology, an official notification said.
Jogen Mohan was given the ministry of mines and minerals along with his earlier portfolios of revenue and disaster management and hill areas development.
Nandita Gorlosa, who had earlier held the portfolios of mines and minerals and indigenous and tribal faith and culture will now be in charge of power, cooperation, sports and youth welfare department, the notification said.
She will also continue to hold charge of the directorate of archaeology which is under the indigenous and tribal faith and culture portfolio, it said.
The portfolios of the other members of Sarma's ministry remain unaltered, it added.
Besides Sarma, there are 15 members in the cabinet.