Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for multiple development projects worth more than Rs 17,300 crore in Tamil Nadu, saying his government is investing around Rs 1.5 trillion for roads in the state.
“The central government's efforts to improve connectivity are increasing the ease of living,” he said. Modi laid the foundation stone for the Outer Harbor Container Terminal at V O Chidambaranar Port in Thoothukudi, launched India's first indigenous green hydrogen fuel cell inland waterway vessel under the Harit Nauka programme, and dedicated to the nation tourist facilities at 75 lighthouses in 10 states. He dedicated rail projects for the doubling of Vanchi Maniyachchi-Nagercoil railway line, which includes the Vanchi Maniyachchi-Tirunelveli and Melappalayam-Aralvaymoli sections. He also dedicated four road projects in Tamil Nadu developed for about Rs 4,586 crore.
Modi said the container terminal at V O Chidambaranar Port will have an investment of Rs 7,000 crore. Projects worth Rs 900 crore were dedicated to the nation on Wednesday and those worth Rs 2,500 crore were initiated at 13 ports. These projects will benefit Tamil Nadu and create employment, he said.
The electrification and doubling of railway lines will improve connectivity between South Tamil Nadu and Kerala, while easing congestion in Tirunelveli and Nagercoil. He listed four major projects for modernising roads in Tamil Nadu will boost connectivity, reduce travel time and encourage trade and tourism in the state.
Modi informed that in the last 10 years of his government rail projects spread over 1,300 km were undertaken in Tamil Nadu and around 2,000 km of railway line was electrified. Railway stations were improved and flyovers and underpasses were built. He said five Vande Bharat trains are running in the state, providing world-class travel experience.