Police in West Delhi seized 208 kg of cocaine valued at Rs 2,080 crore from a rented shop, an official said on Thursday evening. This marks the second major drug bust in the national capital within days. Officials recovered the drugs concealed in around 20 packets of namkeen and snacks, packed in cartons found in a narrow shop in the Ramesh Nagar area.
According to officials, this seizure is linked to the October 2 recovery of 562 kg of drugs from southwest Delhi's Mahipalpur. An absconding Indian-origin UK citizen has been identified as a suspect in the case.
How police uncovered the west Delhi drug racket
"We got a tip-off during investigations of our previous seizure and arrest. On Thursday evening, a team from the Special Cell was sent to the shop and recovered the consignment," a police officer stated.
The police said the suspect had rented the shop a few days earlier. The shop owner has been detained for questioning, along with another individual. The owner informed the police that the suspect rented the shop under the pretext of conducting garment-related business.
Connection to Mahipalpur drug bust
Initial investigations suggest the suspect intended to transport the drug consignment to other parts of the country. During a raid on October 2, officials seized 40 kg of hydroponic marijuana valued at Rs 5,620 crore. Four individuals were arrested by the police, and three more suspects were subsequently apprehended in Amritsar, Chennai, and Hapur (Uttar Pradesh).
Dubai businessman suspected mastermind
A Dubai-based businessman, identified as Virender Basoya, is believed to be the mastermind behind this drug syndicate. He reportedly operated the racket with the assistance of Tushar Goyal and Jitender Gill, alias Jassi, both of whom have been arrested.
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A lookout order has been issued for Basoya, who remains at large. Police suspect he is part of an international syndicate.
The syndicate members reportedly use code names on social media and are unaware of each other’s true identities, according to police sources. This latest seizure brings the total haul to 700 kg, valued at Rs 7,000 crore in the international market. The consignment was brought to India via a sea route to Goa from South American countries, and officials believe more such consignments may have been transported.
Further investigation is underway, officials said.
(With inputs from agencies)