Delhi and its surrounding region were shrouded in thick fog on Friday (January 10) amid a severe cold wave sweeping across North India. The dense fog disrupted both flight and train services, and significantly slowed road traffic, reducing visibility to zero in several areas. Furthermore, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in the national capital worsened to the severe category, recording a level of 411 at 8 am.
Flights delayed, train services hit in Delhi
The Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in Delhi recorded zero visibility during early morning hours. As a consequence, flight operations were disrupted on a large scale. At IGI Airport, more than 90 departure flights were delayed and three were cancelled. Among arrivals, 35 flights faced delays and one was cancelled, according to Flightradar, the air traffic monitoring platform.
IMD issues warning
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an orange alert for Delhi-NCR due to the prevailing weather conditions. The IMD cautioned that these conditions "may impact airports, highways, and railway routes, causing challenging driving conditions and longer travel times." Delhi Airport also issued advisories for all passengers.
Weather round-up
The temperature in Delhi on Friday, as observed at 5:30 am, is 9.6 degrees Celsius. The day's forecast indicates a minimum and maximum temperature of 10.05 degrees Celsius and 21.93 degrees Celsius, respectively.
IMD has also predicted snowfall in the western Himalayas and a rainy week ahead for many parts of North India, including Delhi-NCR, as weather patterns in India are expected to shift significantly over the next two weeks.