Former cricketer and politician Navjot Singh Sidhu held a press conference after his wife overcame stage 4 breast cancer. Addressing the media outside his Amritsar residence on Thursday, the former congress president said that “strict dietary plans had helped his wife defeat cancer.”
He said that his wife's diet included things like lemon water, raw turmeric, apple cider vinegar, neem leaves, basil, pumpkin, pomegranate, amla, beetroot and walnuts, which made her “healthy.”
However, the director of Tata Memorial Hospital along with 260 oncologists, dismissed Navjot Singh Sidhu's claims calling them “unscientific and potentially harmful.” Sidhu’s claims on cancer treatment faced severe criticism on social media, with professionals from the healthcare industry leading the charge.
According to Sidhu, lifestyle change helped his wife to become cancer-free. The video clip of the press conference went viral and, consequently, the doctors from Tata Memorial Hospital issued a public notice stating that there is no such proven theory yet and urged all the patients not to delay treatment.
Sidhu said his wife consumed juices made from amla, beetroot, pumpkin and walnuts along with sour fruits. Her diet focused on “anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer foods.” Cooking was done using coconut, cold-pressed oils or almond oil. She started her morning with tea that included cinnamon, cloves, jaggery, and cardamom. All of these dietary choices, according to the former cricketer, helped her “kill cancer cells.”
He claimed that his wife defeated cancer because she was disciplined and followed a strict routine and cancer can be treated effectively even at a government hospital. He pointed out that money wasn’t the main factor effective in defeating cancer.
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Soon after the video clip went viral, a group of 262 oncologists from Tata Memorial Hospital issued a public notice issuing a warning against such unproven remedies. The director of Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr CS Pramesh, said it was unscientific and baseless. The notice states, “These recommendations have no high-quality evidence to support them. She became cancer-free due to evidence-based treatments like surgery and chemotherapy, not turmeric or neem."
The oncologist's letter also mentions that some research into natural remedies is ongoing, but there is no clinical data to support their use as anti-cancer agents. It is advised to consult qualified specialists and rely on proven treatments like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. “Cancer is curable if detected early, but delaying treatment for unverified methods can have dire consequences” the statement added.
The Role of Evidence-Based Treatment
Medical experts highlight the importance of evidence-based approaches in cancer care. According to Cyric Abbey Philips, a liver specialist, there are no specific herbs and diets to cure cancer. The success of treatment comes from medical expertise and established protocols.
According to the oncologists, the term “clinically cancer-free” means that no detectable signs of cancer are found during medical evaluations. The standard cancer treatment that Sidhu's wife underwent was surgery and chemotherapy. Extensive research is being conducted to support these methods and they remain the most effective for combating the disease.