Union Labour and Employment Minister Bhupender Yadav on Sunday reviewed the preparations for a three-day meeting of the G20, which is slated to begin from July 19 in Madhya Pradesh's Indore.
The fourth employment working group meeting will be held in the first two days, while a meeting of the labour and employment ministers of G20 countries will be held on the third day, officials said.
Yadav instructed officials to showcase the historical, cultural heritage and wildlife of Madhya Pradesh to delegates during the G20 meeting here, they said.
After the meeting, the minister also reached the city's famous 56 shops, a centre with eateries, and a hotel and took stock of the arrangements being made for G20 delegates.
While addressing party workers later at the city BJP office, Yadav said, "I hope that the upcoming meeting of the G20 will see the same enthusiasm of people of the city as witnessed in the previous events of the Pravasi Bharatiya Sammelan and the agriculture working group of the G20."
District Collector Ilayaraja T said representatives of 29 countries will participate in the upcoming G20 meeting in the city and preparations are underway on a large scale for the event.