Ganesh Chaturthi marks the birth anniversary of lord Ganesh. This year, the festival will be celebrated on September 7, 2024. According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Ganesh wrote the Mahabharata by sitting in one place for 10 consecutive days under the direction of Vyas ji. This is why, the idol of Ganesh ji is established at home for 10 days and then immersed in water after worship on the 10th day.
If you are planning to install Ganapati at your home, then this Ganesh Chaturthi you need to decorate a temple in a specialised way before the arrival of Bappa. Here are some of the ways to decorate your home temple for your Ganesh Utsav.
Eco-Friendly decorations
One of the best ways is to decorate your home temple by establishing the idol of lord Ganesh in an eco-friendly way. You can decorate your temple with natural and colourful flowers. Hang beautiful flower strings on the walls. You can also decorate the entrance of the temple along with lord Ganesh's idol and plants around the temple.
Decorate with paper
Paper flowers are also used to decorate the temple and lord Ganesh's idol. People create colour paper butterflies, trees, umbrellas, and several other designs to make the image appealing. This decoration would be long-lasting and wouldn't fade throughout the 10-day-long festival.
Decoration with lights and diyas
Another amazing way to celebrate this auspicious Hindu festival is by lighting diyas. The temple should be full of colourful light and brightness with the help of electric lights and days. The entire temple will glow and look spectacular.
Floral fantasy
Creating floral rangoli at the entrance to welcome guests. Adorn the idol and its surroundings with garlands of jasmine, rose and marigolds. One can also create a flower canopy above the idol using a mix of colourful blooms. To add a modern twist, make the flower chandelier and hang it over the idol. The floral fantasy will ensure that your festival is truly blossoming.
Balloon decoration
This is the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesh and celebrating this auspicious festival with balloons as people used to do at birthday parties. During the Ganapati festival, decorate your home temple and walls with colourful balloons. You can use different coloured balloons.