Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday said state government officers and employees would receive a training on ethics to develop the spirit of public service among them.
Public servants should work for the welfare of the society by rising above group differences, Khattar said addressing a 'Naetikta Shivir' organised by the Haryana Institute of Public Administration (HIPA), Gurugram, according to a statement.
A target to make all 3.5 lakh officers and employees in the state aware of their moral values has been set, the Chief Minister said on HIPA's programme on ethics.
The purpose of the programme is to ensure that the public servant works with the spirit of responsibility towards serving the society, he said.
Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal said Haryana is the first state in the country to introduce such a programme on ethics. He said that all officers and employees of the state will be connected with the programme.
Gita Manishi Swami Gyananand Ji Maharaj, known for his research on Bhagavad Gita, also attended the 'Naetikta Shivir' and spoke on the topic of morality at the event.