A harrowing incident shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) has sparked widespread concern after a female passenger accused Dinesh Kumar Saraogi, a senior executive at Jindal Steel Group, of molestation during a flight from Kolkata to Abu Dhabi, part of her journey to Boston. The woman, who was seated next to Saraogi, alleged that he behaved inappropriately despite initially engaging in harmless conversation.
According to the woman, Saraogi, who is believed to be around 65 years old and resides in Oman, initially discussed benign topics such as family and background. The conversation took a disturbing turn when Saraogi, who currently serves as chief executive officer of Vulcan Green Steel (part of the Jindal Steel Group) and has previously held prominent positions within Jindal Steel & Power Ltd, offered to show her movie clips on his phone. Instead, he allegedly displayed explicit pornographic content and proceeded to grope her. Shocked and terrified, the woman sought refuge in the washroom and reported the incident to the flight crew.
The Etihad Airways staff responded swiftly, relocating her to a different seating area, providing refreshments, and ensuring her safety. The flight crew also informed Abu Dhabi police, who were prepared to act upon the aircraft's arrival. Although she was unable to file a formal complaint due to the urgency of her connecting flight to Boston, the woman was escorted to her next gate with minimal interaction with Saraogi.
In expressing her gratitude, the woman commended the Etihad Airways staff and Abu Dhabi police for their prompt and supportive response. She shared her story to raise awareness and highlight that such incidents can happen to anyone.
"I feel violated but I also want to make sure this never happens to another woman," she wrote on X.
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Naveen Jindal, chairman of Jindal Steel & Power, responded to the woman's post, affirming the company's zero-tolerance policy towards such behaviour. Jindal assured that a thorough investigation would be conducted, and appropriate actions would be taken.
Netizens have shown an outpouring of support for the woman. Many praised her bravery in speaking out, with one commenter noting that her voice will help prevent future incidents.
"Really courageous young woman. Appreciate you informing the public. May the women who have faced such behaviour from him and others find inspiration in people like you. Well done," wrote one user.
Others expressed sympathy and emphasised the importance of addressing such issues immediately during international travel.