Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday urged the Centre to intervene to ensure that levels of the Yamuna, flowing at an all-time high of 207.55 metres, don't rise further.
The Yamuna has breached its all-time record of 207.49 metres set in 1978, government agencies said on Wednesday.
Sharing an update on Yamunal water levels, Kejriwal said on Twitter, "Central Water Commission predicts 207.72 meter water level in Yamuna tonite. Not good news for Delhi.
"There have been no rains in Delhi last 2 days, however, levels of Yamuna are rising due to abnormally high volumes of water being released by Haryana at Hathnikund barrage. Urge Centre to intervene and ensure that levels in Yamuna don't rise further. Highest Flood Level 207.49m (in 1978). Current Level 207.55m.