Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will inaugurate four new terminals of Kochi Water Metro Limited on March 14, 2024, Industries Minister P Rajeeve announced on Tuesday. The four terminals, South Chittoor, Cheranalloor, Mulavukad and Eloor, will be launched virtually. However, there is no official update on when the services will run on these routes.
The New Indian Express reported that the water metro will run in two new routes, South Chittoor-Eloor-Cheranalloor and High Court-Bolgatty-Mulavukad North-South Chittoor.
The Industry Minister also mentioned that the event will take place at 5.30 pm in the Eloor terminal. With these two new routes addition, the Kochi Water Metro will expand its services to nine terminals and it will also establish five routes across the city, Rajeeve added.
Rajeeve also mentioned that all the projects are designed keeping environmental sustainability in mind and this has attracted global attention in a short period of time. The water metro aims to expand its connectivity which contributes to the state's history of successful water-based transport initiatives. The Fort Kochi terminal work is in the final stage and the operation between the High Court and Fort Kochi will soon begin.
The 38 terminals will connect 10 islands after completion. This will lead to 78 Water Metro boats for efficient and sustainable transportation.
The operational routes will be Vypeen-High Court and Vytilla-Kakkanad. The two new routes are High Court-Bolgatty-Mulavukad North-South Chittoor and South Chittoor-Eloor-Cheranalloor.
The total ridership till March 12 is more than 17.50 lakh and the project is expected to finish by December 2024. This project cost is Rs 1,136.83 crore.
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Hence, now there will be a total of 38 terminals and 15 routes with a distance of 75 km and the electric boats count is 78. The new ticket price range will be between Rs 20 to Rs 40.
Last year, PM Modi launched KWML in April and witnessed 17.5 lakh passengers.