An Indian Coast Guard Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv crashed on Sunday in Porbandar, Gujarat, during a routine training sortie, reports news agency ANI. The incident occurred at the Coast Guard Air Enclave in Porbandar. Weeks ahead of Delhi assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of multiple infrastructure projects worth over Rs 12,200 crore in the national capital on Sunday. PM Modi also addressed a public meeting in Rohini after the inauguration. The projects include the 13-km stretch of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor between Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar, worth Rs 4,600 crore, connecting it to the larger Rapid Regional Transit System (RRTS) network between Delhi and Meerut.
Delhi is in the grip of an intense cold wave, with temperatures dipping to a chilling 9 degrees Celsius on Sunday (January 5). A brisk wind speed of 16 km/h further exacerbated the icy conditions, leaving residents shivering. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an alert, warning of dense fog across the city during the morning hours. Smog and shallow fog are expected to persist through the evening and night.
As a thick fog blanketed the national capital, commuters were severely impactied. Flight operations at Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) faced delays, with aircraft not equipped with CAT III technology particularly affected. The Delhi International Airport Ltd (DIAL) reassured passengers, stating: "While landing and takeoffs continue, flights that are not CAT III compliant may face delays. Passengers are advised to contact their airlines for updated flight information."