As heavy rain continues to lash Mumbai’s neighbouring Thane and Raigad districts, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an ‘orange alert’ for parts of central Maharashtra on July 8. The state is expected to experience very heavy rainfall over the next five days, with Matheran (22 cm) recording the highest rainfall in India over the past 24 hours. Additionally, a red alert has been issued for Uttarakhand on July 7.
On Sunday, several areas in Thane district, including Shahpur, Palghar, and Panvel, experienced flooding. The IMD’s alert classifications indicate that a red alert calls for immediate action, while an orange alert signals preparedness. According to the IMD, heavy rain ranges from 64.5 to 115.5 mm, very heavy rain is 115.6 to 204.4 mm, and extremely heavy rain exceeds 204.4 mm.
The IMD’s report predicts isolated heavy rainfall in Konkan, Goa, and central Maharashtra from July 9-11, Marathwada, Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Yanam on July 7, Gujarat Region on July 7 and 9, Kerala and Mahe on July 7 and 8, Telangana on July 8 and 9, Coastal Karnataka on July 9, North Interior Karnataka on July 7 and 10, and South Interior Karnataka on July 8 and 10.
Isolated very heavy rainfall is also likely over South Interior Karnataka on July 7, the Ghat areas of central Maharashtra on July 7 and 8, Konkan and Goa on July 8, and Coastal Karnataka on July 7, 8, 10, and 11. Isolated extremely heavy rainfall is expected over Konkan and Goa on July 7.
Also Read: Mumbai rain: City records 300 mm rainfall overnight, BMC declares holiday
Also Read: Mumbai rain: City records 300 mm rainfall overnight, BMC declares holiday
Heavy rain batters entire Maharashtra and Goa
In the past 24 hours, heavy rainfall has affected various parts of Maharashtra, Konkan, and Goa, particularly Thane, Raigad, and Ratnagiri districts. Matheran (Raigad district) recorded 22 cm of rainfall, Ratnagiri 15 cm, Rajapur 13 cm, Panvel 12 cm, Ponda 12 cm, Karjat 11 cm, Murbad (Thane) 11 cm, Lanja 11 cm, Khalapur 11 cm, Mandangad 11 cm, Sangameshwar Devrukh 10 cm, Awalegaon 9 cm, Shahapur 9 cm, and Roha 8 cm. In central Maharashtra, Gaganbawada (Kolhapur) saw 18 cm of rain, Lonavala (Pune district) 13 cm, Chandgad (Kolhapur) 9 cm, Yaval (Jalgaon) 9 cm, Ozharkheda (Nashik) 7 cm, and Peth (Nashik) 7 cm.
High wind speeds were also recorded in Maharashtra, with Raigad experiencing winds of 65 kmph, Pune 33 kmph, and Satara 57 kmph in the past 24 hours.
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IMD’s forecasts for the rest of India
Northwest and Central India
Isolated very heavy rainfall is likely over Uttar Pradesh on July 7, 10, and 11, and isolated extremely heavy rainfall is expected over Uttarakhand on July 7. The region will likely see widespread light to moderate rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Central India. Scattered light to moderate rainfall is anticipated in Himachal Pradesh, Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi, and East Rajasthan, with isolated light to moderate rainfall in Jammu-Kashmir-Ladakh-Gilgit-Baltistan-Muzaffarabad, Punjab, and West Rajasthan over the next five days.
East and Northeast India
Isolated heavy rainfall is predicted for Bihar on July 7 and 8, Odisha on July 8, Arunachal Pradesh on July 7 and 11, and Assam and Meghalaya on July 7, 10, and 11. Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura are expected to see heavy rainfall from July 7-11. Isolated very heavy rainfall is also likely in Odisha on July 7, Bihar from July 9-11, Nagaland on July 8, Arunachal Pradesh from July 8-10, Assam and Meghalaya on July 8 and 9, and Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim during the next five days.