Mumbai Police made a significant breakthrough on Tuesday, arresting Mihir Shah, the main accused in the high-profile Mumbai BMW hit-and-run case. The arrest took place in Shahpur, Thane, ending Shah's brief period on the run. He is being transported to the Worli police station for further questioning. Alongside Shah, 12 others have been arrested in connection with the case.
Mihir Shah, 24, the son of Shiv Sena (Eknath Shinde) leader Rajesh Shah, is alleged to have been behind the wheel of the luxury BMW that tragically claimed the life of Kaveri Nakhwa, 45, and left her husband Pradeep critically injured. The horrific incident occurred on Sunday morning as the couple rode their two-wheeler in Mumbai's Worli area.
Following the incident, Mihir Shah evaded capture, prompting the Mumbai Police to assemble six dedicated teams to locate him. A Look Out Circular (LOC) was also issued to prevent his escape from the country.
Mihir's arrest comes just one day after Rajesh Shah, Mihir's father, was granted bail. Rajesh Shah, the car's owner, and the family's driver, Rajrishi Bidawat, who was present in the vehicle at the time of the accident, were both detained on Sunday. They stand accused of aiding Mihir Shah's escape post-crash.
All the three accused have been charged with multiple offences, including culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
'No one for poor'
Pradeep Nakhwa, whose 45-year-old wife, Kaveri, was tragically killed by the speeding BMW allegedly driven by Mihir in Mumbai's Worli area, has called for stringent punishment for the accused and said his wife could have been saved if the driver stopped the car on time.
“I asked him to stop, yet he didn’t stop; he ran away. She [the deceased] must have been in so much pain. Everyone knows this but no one is doing anything. There is no one for the poor,” said Pradeep speaking to news agency PTI.
“I asked him to stop, yet he didn’t stop; he ran away. She [the deceased] must have been in so much pain. Everyone knows this but no one is doing anything. There is no one for the poor,” said Pradeep speaking to news agency PTI.
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Recalling the harrowing incident, Pradeep shared that the couple was returning from Crawford Market on Sunday after purchasing fish. They were riding their bike at a speed of 30 to 35 kilometres per hour when they were struck from behind by the speeding car. His wife was riding pillion.
"We landed on the bonnet of the car due to the impact," Pradeep told news agency PTI.
"The driver pressed the brake, causing me to fall off, but my wife got trapped under the front wheel. I banged on the bonnet, pleading for the driver to stop, but he continued driving, dragging my wife towards the Worli end of the sea link," he said.
Pradeep chased the car on foot, desperately trying to save his wife. "Had he stopped the car, my wife could have been saved," he said.
The grieving husband, now left to care for their two children alone, expressed his devastation and urged for justice. "We lost everything. My wife is gone, but the accused must face stringent punishment for this accident," he added.