Delhi witnessed a drop in its minimum temperature after two days of rainfall and fog. North India continues to shiver amidst the severe cold wave as snowfall and rain continue. Now, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued warnings for extreme cold and dense fog across parts of North-West and Central India, with conditions expected to worsen in the coming days.
Foggy New Year: Severe cold wave predicted
According to the IMD, some areas in Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir will experience a severe cold wave from December 30 to January 1. The temperatures are to remain 3 to 5 degrees Celsius below the normal in these regions, with New Year's Day adding to the chill. Dense to very dense fog is likely toremain from December 30 to January 4.
Snowfall disturbs life in the mountains
Snowfall is expected to continue in Jammu and Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh. Heavy rainfall in the last two days has disrupted the normal life of the residents and the tourists. Rescue efforts continue for those stranded amidst the heavy snowfall after closure of the roads. Jammu highway had resumed operations after having been closed for a day on December 28.
Delhi's weather today
The temperature in Delhi today at 8:00 am was 12 degrees Celsius. The day's forecast indicates clear skies with fog in some areas, a minimum and maximum temperature of 11.05 degrees Celsius and 21.07 degrees Celsius, respectively. The relative humidity is 35 per cent and the wind speed is 35 km/h.
Weather forecast for tomorrow
On December 31, Delhi is predicted to experience minimum and maximum temperatures of 13.66 °C and 21.52 °C, respectively.