Southern Railway on Sunday said it had recorded about 80 per cent jump in its revenue, which stood at Rs 6,345 crore in the passenger segment during the financial year 2022-23, its highest ever.
During the corresponding period in the last financial year, it had earned revenues of Rs 3,539.77 crore.
The highest revenue registered by Southern Railway before this was in the financial year 2019-20 at Rs 5,225 crore.
About 640 million passengers travelled by Southern Railway in 2022-2023, which is a massive increase of 88.5 per cent over the 339.6 million passengers of 2021-22, an official release said.
In the freight segment, Southern Railway said it had achieved many firsts, including the highest ever loading of cargo at 4.05 metric tonne, highest ever loading of petroleum at 5.2 metric tonne, and food grain loading at 3.23 metric tonne, among others.
The railway zone generated its highest ever revenue from freight during the last financial year at Rs 3,637.86 crore as compared to Rs 3,059 crore recorded in 2018-19.
The financial year 2022-23 had concluded on a positive note for Southern Railway with remarkable milestones in the freight and passenger segment, the release said.