Telangana registered 15,297 cybercrime cases in 2022, the highest in the country, according to the latest NCRB data.
Cybercrime in the state has been on an upward trajectory, with 5,024 cases in 2020 and 10,303 in 2021, according to an analysis of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data.
The data showed that among the 28 states, Telangana logged the highest number of cybercrime cases, followed by Karnataka with 12,556 and Uttar Pradesh with 10,117 in 2022.
The 28 states recorded a cumulative 64,907 cybercrime cases last year.
The rate of total cybercrime cases per lakh population in Telangana stood at 40.3 while the percentage of cases for which a charge sheet was filed was 17.1, according to the data.
There were 624 cases of ATM frauds, 3,223 online banking frauds, 2,179 OTP frauds, 4,467 cheating frauds, 280 cyber stalking and 234 cyber blackmailing/threatening.
The motive in 10,991 cases was fraud followed by extortion with 447, the data revealed.