The Kerala High Court on Saturday criticised the state government and its disaster management authority (SDMA), saying their figures regarding the funds in connection with rehabilitation of the landslides-hit areas of Wayanad are "inaccurate".
A bench of Justices A K Jayasankaran Nambiar and Mohmmed Nias C P also questioned why the funds were being delayed for months and observed that it was turning into another disaster.
It said when asking for assistance from the Centre, the state government should provide accurate figures.
The court observed that auditing was not accurate and the funds were not being handled properly.
It directed the government and the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) to submit accurate figures regarding the funds.
It directed that the amount allocated from the Rs 677 crore in the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) for rehabilitation, the amount spent and the amount required should be placed before the court.
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The state government told the court that it will provide the details sought by the bench on Thursday.
During the hearing, the bench also asked the state to stop blaming others and not to take a stance that insults the victims of the disaster.
The court's observations and directions came after the Finance Officer of the State Disaster Management Authority presented the accounts regarding the disaster relief and rehabilitation funds in connection with the landslides that hit Wayanad in July this year.
The Finance Officer was present following the court's directions on Friday to provide information on how much funds were required for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the landslides-hit areas of Wayanad and the amount of financial assistance to be provided by the Centre.
The court had also asked how much amount was there in the relief fund before the disaster, how much was available for use out of it and what portion of the amount allocated by the Centre was utilised.
The queries came during hearing of a plea initiated by the High Court for prevention and management of natural disasters in the state in the wake of the landslides that devastated three villages in Wayanad district and claimed over 200 lives.