Punjab has procured 85.41 lakh tonnes (LT) of paddy valued at Rs 19,800 crore in the ongoing 2024-25 kharif marketing season, with procurement operations now in full swing after initial weather-related delays, the food ministry said on Sunday.
According to the ministry, about 90.69 LT of paddy arrived in mandis across Punjab till November 2, of which 85.41 LT has been procured by state agencies and Food Corporation of India (FCI).
The procurement drive, which began on October 1, has already resulted in payments worth Rs 19,800 crore reaching about 4 lakh farmers across the state.
"Though the procurement commenced a bit late due to heavy rain in September and high moisture content in paddy, it is back on track and has picked up in full swing now," the ministry said in a statement.
The Centre has fixed a procurement target of 185 LT for Punjab for the ongoing season. The procurement is being carried out at Rs 2,320 per quintal MSP fixed for 'Grade A' paddy.
To ensure smooth procurement, the state government has operationalised 2,927 designated mandis and temporary yards across Punjab.
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The government undertakes procurement operations through state-owned FCI and state agencies at MSP to support farmers.