Average daily domestic traffic in India decreased by 0.26 per cent month-on-month (M-o-M) to 407,828 in October, according to the Ministry of Civil Aviation’s data reviewed by Business Standard. While the festival season has begun, demand did not see a significant growth in October as capacity remains limited and airfares remain high due to rising fuel prices, according to airline executives. Even the average daily load factor of airlines in October remained more or less the same as that in September.
Foreign carriers to operate 9.4% more flights this winter
Foreign carriers are scheduled to operate 2,336 flights per week during this winter season, which represents a 9.36 per cent increase in services compared to the same period last year, according to data released by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) on Tuesday. In the aviation sector, the winter season commences on the last Sunday of October and concludes on the last Saturday of March.