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Technowire Data Science Ltd - IPO

Issue Type

Fixed Price - SME

Issue Size (₹ Cr.)

₹ 52

Price Range (₹)

₹ -

Lot Size


Min Investment (₹)

₹ -

Listing Exchange


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Technowire Data Science Ltd IPO Details

Initial public issue of upto [*] equity shares of Rs. 10/- each (Equity Shares) of Technowire Data Science Limited (TDSL or The Company) for cash at a price of [*] per share (Including a Share Premium of Rs. [*] per Equity Share) (The Issue Price), aggregating to Rs. 52.00 crores (The Issue), of which upto [*] equity shares of Rs. 10/- each will be reserved for subscription by market maker to the issue (The Market Maker Reservation Portion). The issue less market maker reservation portion i.e. issue of upto [*] equity shares of 10/- each is hereinafter referred to as the Net Issue. The issue and the net issue will constitute [*] % and [*] %, respectively of the post issue paid up equity share capital of the company. The company, in consultation with the lm, may consider a further issue of equity shares through a private placement, preferential offer or any other method as may be permitted under applicable law to any person(s), aggregating up to Rs. 12.00 crores, at its discretion, prior to filing of the prospectus with the roc (Pre-IPO Placement). The pre-ipo placement, if undertaken, will be at a price to be decided by the company, in consultation with the LM. If the pre-ipo placement is completed, the amount raised pursuant to the pre-ipo placement will be reduced from the issue, subject to compliance with Rule 19(2)(b) of the securities contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957, as amended (SCRR). Prior to the completion of the issue and the allotment pursuant to the pre-ipo placement, the company shall appropriately intimate the subscribers to the pre-ipo placement, that there is no guarantee that the company may proceed with the issue or the offer may be successful and will result into listing of the equity shares on the stock exchanges. Further, relevant disclosures in relation to such intimation to the subscribers to the pre-ipo placement (If Undertaken) shall be appropriately made in the relevant sections of the and prospectus. The face value of the equity shares is Rs. 10/- each. The issue price is [*] times the face value of the equity shares.

Objective of issue

Capital expenditure. Data procurement services for the website. Software updation cost. Funding working capital requirement. General corporate purposes.

Technowire Data Science Ltd Contact Details

Technowire Data Science Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083

Phone - 91-22-49186000

Fax - 91-22-49186060

Email -

Website - https:,