The stock of the garments & apparels company surpassed its previous high of Rs 134.55, touched on June 14, 2023. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.20 per cent at 63,393, at 01:26 pm. In the past three months, the stock has zoomed 63 per cent as compared to a 9 per cent rise in the benchmark index.
Arvind expects garment volumes to start improving in the second half of the year despite the soft economic outlook globally as customers become more comfortable with the economic outlook and resume some of their key buying programs. Margins can also see some improvement in tandem with the volume growth.
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In the financial year 2023-24 (FY24), the management expects the overall revenue growth to be in a modest single digit and most of this will be powered by Advanced Materials Division (AMD), which they believe will deliver another year of robust 20 per cent growth.
During FY24, the company intends to pay back another Rs 250 crore of long-term debt and get the long-term debt level to about Rs 400 crore by end of March 2024.