For Q1FY24, Escorts Kubota reported highest-ever standalone profit of Rs 282.80 crore, up 91.8 per cent as against a profit of Rs 147.5 crore in a year ago quarter. On sequential basis, profit jumped 52.5 per cent from Rs 185.5 crore. Total operating income for the quarter grew 18 per cent year-on-year at Rs 2,328 crore with growth coming healthy in the railway as well as construction equipment space amidst flattish tractor sales volume.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) margin improved 320 bps quarter-on-quarter and 400 bps YoY at 14 per cent. The margin expansion led by operating leverage, and softening in commodity prices, the company said.
The management has guided for low-mid single-digit tractor volume growth in FY24E and sustenance of EBITDA margin for the coming quarters.
The management said in the agri business, overall sentiments were mixed last quarter as markets with good rainfall and crop prices showed good momentum, and markets with a delayed monsoon had a slightly dampened demand.
Going forward, with further advancement of monsoon across the country, adequate reservoir levels, better liquidity, and consumer credit availability, the management expects the demand momentum to improve.
Construction business has done well and is poised well for further growth with government thrust and focus on faster execution of infrastructure projects. “The demand for construction machinery is still buoyant and post monsoon, we expect the momentum to further accelerate,” the management said.
Railway business, with innovative products and expanded portfolio is well aligned with growing requirements of rail transport both on domestic and international front and continues to grow.
According to Motilal Oswal Financial Services (MOFSL), near-term demand outlook continues to remain positive, led by healthy monsoon so far. This should be further benefitted by lower channel inventory and the company’s focus on market share gains.
Hence, the brokerage firm expects ~6 per cent volume CAGR over FY23-25. However, the impact of high base of FY23, reducing subsidies by state governments and the implementation of TREM-4 norms for <50HP tractors (likely in FY25) would be the key monitorables. Faster recovery in other businesses and a ramp-up in its partnership with Kubota would partially dilute the cyclical impact of the tractor industry, MOFSL said in its result update.